14 Jan 2015

Singgit saploh!! (citer skool Miq, 3thn lps.....)

Nie citer masa Miq memula masuk skolah drjh 1, skang dh x berlaku dh…terer dh!
I allow Miq to beli jajan at his religious school only on Mon n Thurs (cam pose sunat Senin Khamis plak!)
Yelah kan, skolah cina nk beli mknn x dpt, so lenjan blnja kt skolah agama jek laa

Will give him RM1 each day n pesan saploh kali….
belen duit sila masuk piggybank….First week, I was quite impressed sbb dia x beli jajan pon…bila ditya knapa, ,katnya xmau bli sbb dia nk simpan duit.
Me, rs bangga kmbg kmpis idong sket laaa, pndai plak ank aku nie nk berjimat!
Shahbas mereh beteh inspector shahab!

The next week, aku tya lagi, abg beli apa arini?
Jwbnya, abg nk beli kopok lekor tp duit abg x cukup laaa mama
Aikkk, xkan singgit xleh dpt kopok lekor waima sebatang pon??Bknnya nk beli berbatang2 ponnn??
Aku tya dia balik, brape rega kopok lekor tuh coz I always remind him to ask the price first before proceed to pymt process (hahahah, cam nk jualbeli tnah 18ekar ye!!)

Ku tya lgi, brape rega kopok lekor, jwbnya, singgit seposen

Logik x skolah (skolah rendah plak tuh!) ltk rega jajan tetiba ujgnya ada seposen, RM1.10??

Blur gak aku pikir, ku tya lagiii, bebtul laa abg, brape rega kopok lekor tuhhh!!
Miq jwb, mkcik tuh kata “kopok lekor singgit saploh”
Abg ada singgit jek x cukup lg seposen so xdpt beli kopok lekor

His understanding, singgit saploh=RM1.10
Makcik jajan plak brmksud, singgit saploh=RM1.00 dpt saploh ketul kopok lekor

The next day, he went back home, wide grinned lps brjaya beli kopok lekor, singgit saploh!

Miq, budak singgit saploh!Nie pon gmbr 3thn lps, kemain lompong gigi dia! hehehe
Nie citer 3thn dulu, skang dh x blur dh, pantang bg duit, abis dikerjakan dgn jaya nya!!

Mental note: kids are so pure, their understanding might be diff. with us

1 comment:

  1. Whaaa...i did not kniw this story b4. Luruss beno budak Miq ni dolu kala ekk...kalau skrg, abis rabak la poket!
